Monday, December 30, 2019

Women Have Always Seen A Gap In Pay, But Recently The Dispute

Women have always seen a gap in pay, but recently the dispute about the gender wage gap has aroused and angered many in the U.S. Many Americans have labeled businesses as sexist due to the gap in pay among men and women. As many people know, men and women have many differences such as caring for children, different interests when it comes to the workforce, and many others. Naturally men and women have many differences that cause a bit of a gap when it comes to pay. While gender is most definitely a factor in how much a person in paid, saying that women get paid less than men due to gender alone is not completely accurate. There are a variety of  ¨gender related ¨ reasons as to why men and women are not being paid the same amount. The†¦show more content†¦However, according to Jennifer Wadsworth many women within this major choose a job like teaching or other low-paying jobs. So whenever statistics are done on men and women s earning within the same college major it show s a significant wage gap. If this sort of action is true for STEM careers, then it can be assumed that this is common in other fields of study as well. This is one significant cause of why it appears that men and women get paid very differently, but this is not caused because of sexism in the workplace. According to Jane Farrell the occupation chosen by men and women makes up 27% of the wage gap. It is unknown exactly why women go into fields that pay less than the ones men do. Some people suspect that it is simply due to what women are more interested in. Regardless of the reason women do this, it is clear that this is one significant cause of the apparent wage gap. Not only do men and women chose different jobs within an industry, but they also tend to choose industries altogether. Typically the industries men choose have higher-paying careers than the ones that women tend to choose. According to Jane Farrell the industries that employ men are mining, manufacturing, and constructi on. These industries tend to pay more than the typical women dominated industries like service-sector and clerical jobs. Looking at the different jobs involved in eachShow MoreRelatedVictims of Rape and Torture in India1272 Words   |  5 PagesNo woman should ever have to feel scared or threatened every single day of her life. No woman should have to look over her shoulder while walking down the street. No society should turn the other cheek when they see something wrong happening. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no one has the right to hurt you or torture you. Laws like this exist everywhere yet there are women having to face the danger of being attacked at any moment. There are big threats such as rape and otherRead MoreThe Role Of Subjectivity And Its Impact On Identity1847 Words   |  8 Pagesthrough individual and shared experiences, everyday life and power. 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